Expert Care for Your Hair
A brand-new and cutting-edge approach to the science of hair care and Trichology
SHANN CHRISTEN is a Beverly Hills-based celebrity stylist with 20+ years of hair care experience. Shann received a Certification in Trichology from CTB s.r.l. in Italy — Scuola di Comunicazione e Tecnica, where he conducted 12 years of Trichological research and study. Shann is also the developer and creator of the revolutionary BioMethod line of hair care products.

Your Hair, Your Dream
Hair is alive. Every strand lives, breaths, ages, and dies. Like all other parts of the human body, hair, and the scalp from which it grows require nutrients to achieve health, and a regular practice of providing natural nutrition and hydration to thrive.
Traditional hair care is built on old-fashioned guesswork. It focuses on surface appearances, not substance. It offers quick fixes and artificial answers, not health. Stop the cosmetic cover up!
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes, and chemicals don't make hair healthy. This is science, not speculation. This is the future of hair care.